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Florida $10 Minimum Wage

FL $10 Min Wage
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On November 3rd, 2020, Florida voted on Florida Amendment 2, the $15 Minimum Wage Initiative. “Yes” received more than 60% of the votes, the new minimum wage will be $15 in September 2026.

What does that mean for now?

It means that starting on Thursday, September 30th, 2021, work done in the state of Florida will need to be paid at $10/ hour for non- tipped employees, and $6.98/ hour for tipped employees.

The increased wage will likely be in the middle of a pay period. If that is the case be sure to review your employees hours to ensure that they are paid correctly. If you need to split time please let as know as soon as possible.

The minimum wage will increase by a dollar per year until it reaches $15 in September of 2026.

The linked notice should be hanging at your workplace to make your employees aware of the change.

Linked in Spanish 

Copyright 2025

Why Atlantic Payroll Partners

The biggest payroll companies probably won’t have time for your business. It’s that simple, you’ll be a number. At Atlantic Payroll Partners, you’ll be the opposite. We’ll know more than your name; we’ll know the names of your children and their birthday’s as well. We will know you.

We’ve been helping Florida business by managing their payroll and providing workers' compensation quotes for ten years. We help keep payroll cost affordable by provided transparent PEO payroll quotes that allow you to plan your budget accordingly. Like the big payroll companies, you can manage your payroll and payroll timekeeping with us, while reaping the benefits of PEO risk management.

Thinking about payroll outsourcing can be scary. Make sure you know what to expect from payroll outsourcing providers; to make the best decision for your business. In addition to offering payroll, and workers' comp quote we offer: Human Resource consultations, Accounting services, and benefits such as, 401ks and Healthcare plans.

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